How to Make Homemade Mayonnaise – Podcast Nutrition Tidbits Podcast show

Summary:  <br> <br> No more Miracle Whip. How to make homemade mayonnaise by Registered Dietitians.<br> <br> When it comes to the popular tuna salad sandwich filling, a classic condiment often used is mayonnaise. But store-bought mayonnaise-type dressing such as Miracle Whip comes with undesirable fillers and preservatives. The good news is, it's fairly simple to make your own mayonnaise.<br> <br> Today in this No More Packaged Food series, we show you how to whip up your own mayonnaise using common everyday ingredients. The result will please your taste buds and help you keep money in your wallet! The ingredients you need are: corn oil, pasteurized egg yolk, white wine vinegar, dry mustard, salt and sugar. First, whisk together egg yolk and dry ingredients. In another bowl, combine lemon juice and vinegar, then whisk half into the yolk mixture. Whisk briskly, then start adding the oil a few drops at a time until the liquid seems to thicken and lighten a bit. Once you notice this change, you can increase the oil flow to a thin stream while continuing to whisk. Once half of the oil is in, add the rest of the lemon juice mixture. Keep whisking until the rest of the oil is incorporated.<br> <br> There! In just about 5 minutes with simple ingredients and a bit of elbow grease, you've got yourself an all-natural mayonnaise that tastes better and costs less.