Nitro Game Injection #411: Keep That Monster in Your Pocket

KNGI Network Podcast Master Feed show

Summary: This show is all about Monster in my Pocket, not to be confused with Pocket Monsters. Or is it? Listen and find out!<br> <br> <br> <br> PLAYLIST:<br> WillRock - Nitroglycerin Injection (Theme of KNGI :: Bandcamp)<br> FamilyJules - You Will Know Our Names (Xenoblade Chronicles [WII] :: YouTube)<br> <br> Lacey Johnson - Otherworld (Final Fantasy X [PS2] :: YouTube)<br> Ro Panuganti - Fourside (Earthbound [SNES] :: GameLark)<br> MyNewSoundtrack - Harlequin Bazaar (Link: Faces of Evil [CD-i] :: Bandcamp)<br> <br> OVERCLOCKED BLOCK: Selections from OverClocked ReMix<br> Kamex - Funk Buster (Deltarune [PC] :: OverClocked ReMix)<br> Matt Bounds - Seeing Stars (Super Mario Land 2 [GB] :: OverClocked ReMix)<br> thebitterroost - Faxanadoom (Faxanadu [NES] :: OverClocked ReMix)<br> <br> GCJ, Dewey Newt - Chrome Dome (Sonic the Hedgehog 3 [GEN] :: People's Remix Competition)<br> Joshua Morse - Metal Blade (Mega Man 2 [NES] :: Bandcamp)<br> Rapture - Dream Dancer (Apprentice [AMI] :: AmigaRemix)<br> <br> Zubareus - Batman &amp; Flash (Monster In My Pocket [NES] :: YouTube)<br> GaMetal - K.K. Rock (Animal Crossing [GCN] :: YouTube)<br> Grospixels - Intro Theme (Gauntlet III: The Final Quest [AMI] :: Artist website)<br> <br> KWED CORNER: Selections from Remix.Kwed.Org<br> JLD - Last Hero (Future Freak [C64 DEMO] :: KWED)<br> Johan Andersson - western mix (Saboteur II [C64] :: KWED)<br> Magnar - Wonderlight (Comaland [C64 DEMO] :: KWED)<br> <br> Sab Irene - Wake Up, Get Up, Get Out There (Persona 5 [PS4] :: YouTube)<br> Banjo Guy Ollie - Athletic Theme (Super Mario World [SNES] :: Bandcamp)<br> Japanese Lunchtime Rush - Rumbling Highway (Sonic Adventure 2 [DC] :: YouTube)<br> <br> FEATURED ALBUM: Pokérus Project - PebrePixel :: Bandcamp<br> Pokérus Project - Splattack! (Splatoon [WIIU])<br> Pokérus Project - Luigi Raceway (Mario Kart 64 [N64])<br> Pokérus Project - Battle vs Champion Cynthia (Pokémon Diamond &amp; Pearl [DS])<br> Pokérus Project - X vs Zero (Mega Man X5 [PS1])<br> <br> LjB0 - Guile's Theme [The Witcher 3 Edition] (Street Fighter II [ARC] :: YouTube)<br> Danilo Ciaffi - Farewell, Beloved Ones (Pokémon Red Version [GB] :: OverClocked ReMix)