GTWM Podcast S07E51

Good Times with Mo: The Podcast Season 7 show

Summary: <p>Monday, funday! Start the week solid with your dose of GTWM Podcast as we attack Episode 51 of this season and we have another balanced show for all of you. 2 guys, 2 girls. 2 in the Philippines and 2 in North America -- and a lot of interesting talk in between. I think youre really gonna enjoy the show so lets see what it's all about:</p> <p>Caller #1 is Boyet who is 34yrs old from Manila. Boyet's early 20's sister got pregnant by her abusive boyfriend and while he considers himself pro-life, he assisted her in getting an abortion. The problem is they did it in a really shady place and he even had to bury the baby himself in their backyard. Fucking insane.</p> <p>Caller #2 is Abby who is 44yrs old from San Diego. Abby is a 44 year old virgin. 44! She,s successful, she lives in a great city, but she has never had a warm naked man in her bed. So she's ready to fix all that but how does she go about it? Cowboys 4 Angels, baby!</p> <p>Caller #3 is John who is 31yrs old from Manila. John's wife cheated on him many years ago, yet even today it sends chills throughout his body whenever he thinks of it. A part of him never really recovered and he wants to talk to Mo about the struggles of putting things back together no matter how long ago it was.</p> <p>Caller #4 is Trish who is 33yrs old from Toronto. Trisha called some time back complaining that her love interest does not want to have sex with her. Now that she's finding affection in other places, her "boyfriend" is starting to step up -- but still no sex. Should she find it somewhere else or is his effort towards her now a sign of good things to come?</p> <p>GTWM The Podcast Season 7 is brought to you by the great people at Sharp Philippines! Get yourself an Ultra-High Definition TV from Sharp, you certainly deserve it! Powered by , we will see you on another episode of GTWM tomorrow. Thanks for the download and please support the podcast by donating as little as $0.99 cents via Anchor at:</p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="" rel="payment"></a>