GTWM Podcast S07E52

Good Times with Mo: The Podcast Season 7 show

Summary: <p>If you're sick and tired of relationship drama then this is the episode for you! Yes, this might be the first time in GTWM history that we are not taking a single relationship or sex question in one episode. That doesn’t mean it's not an interesting show, I actually think this will be filled with thought-provoking topics -- just minus the cum, lol. So let's check out what we have here in Ep 52:</p> <p>Caller #1 is Roanne who is 36yrs old from QC. Roanne wants to ask Mo if it's possible to have a friendship or relationship with someone you don't share political beliefs with. More than ever, political affiliation defines what kind of person you are, and whether you are dateable or not.</p> <p>Caller #2 is Ricardo who is 37yrs old from Stockholm, Sweden. Ricardo's father, who left him for another family when he was a young boy, is dying. And his family members have reached out to Ricardo for support, mainly financial. Ricardo does not want to help him but he feels a little guilty about it. What would Mo do?</p> <p>Caller #3 is Joseph who is 36yrs old from Manila. Joseph has the world's worst boss. And his shitty boss has even been able to level up during the Covid-19 ordeal. Speaking of shitty, Joe know wants to literally shit on his boss' property. What would Mo do here as well?</p> <p>Caller #4 is Trish who is 24yrs old from Manila. Trish is a young attractive 20 something that enjoys traveling alone. But there are fears associated with a girl that travels by herself -- mainly being safety. It's not common for a Filipina to do this so Trish wants to get on with Mo to talk about why she does it, how she navigates through the fears and threat and how she says no to all the men from abroad that hit on her.</p> <p>GTWM The Podcast Season 7 is brought to you by the great people at Sharp Philippines! Get yourself an Ultra-High Definition TV from Sharp, you certainly deserve it! Powered by , we will see you on another episode of GTWM tomorrow. Thanks for the download and please support the podcast by donating as little as $0.99 cents via Anchor at:</p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="" rel="payment"></a>