Seats at the Table are for Community Conversations ft the Citizenry of Los Angeles County

Touchdowns and Tangents show

Summary: This week’s show needed to happen due to the overwhelming amount of anti-black racism and police brutality going on globally. The uprising of protests and acts of solidarity have forced the world to confront the demon of white supremacy and not even the sports world was immune from this. Kenny went solo this week as Pete felt as an ally the best thing to do was take a step back and give the platform to his black co-host/founder of the podcast. The phone lines were open all night and a plethora of guests and friends of the show called in. Pete and Kenny wrapped up the show that was filled with people actually on the ground doing the work and venting their experiences as protesters, organizers, allies, teachers and reporters like friend of the show Ryan Mancini. Tune in and here from the citizenry of Los Angeles County what is truly taking place and how to utilize your voice, privilege and power in and out of the sports world. Salute to our affiliates and all the black-owned businesses out there.