Episode 134: Protests and Paths Forward

The Horse Race show

Summary: 6/3/20--This week we're bringing you a slightly different version of The Horse Race, a one-on-one conversation between our host and former Dorchester Reporter news editor Jennifer Smith, and Boston City Councilor Andrea Campbell. Jenn and Councilor Campbell discuss the protests against systemic racism and police brutality that have broken out in cities all over the world, including Boston, in response to the death of George Floyd by the hands of law enforcement officers. Campbell emphasizes the importance of civil disobedience -- "We know we wouldn't be where we are if folks didn't get out and march," -- but also the necessity to protect police officers -- "Police are people, too." Campbell describes witnessing the many killings of black people by police, "tragic," but also sees this uprising of outrage as "an opportunity to finally implement all the ideas, the solutions that folks in communities of color have been pushing for decades." Some of those ideas Campbell mentioned include diversifying public safety agencies, getting body cameras in every police unit, and making Boston's COOP board a civilian review board.