Quick Flip – Allison Builds Her Membership Site

The Flipped Lifestyle Podcast show

Summary: <br> <br> Every membership site starts with an idea,<a href="https://flippedlifestyle.com/our-story/"> even ours</a>. For our friend Allison Jenks, she first needed to clarify her goals. Once we helped her with that, she is making those needed moves into building a stable income online - clarifying her goals, documenting what she does, all to help her and her soon-to-be online members make an income through her online membership site.<br> <br> Start with what you’ve got. For Allison, she has plenty of viable members already and did not fully realize it. Not only does she have clients or even other HMUAs she brushes shoulders with, she is a blogger, has a social media presence, she has all the tools at hand to start getting her site up and running.<br> The ‘lowdown’ on Allison Jenks<br> <br> Hair + Makeup Artist in Lexington, Ky<br> Blogger<br> Co-Owner of Blush + Glow<br> <a href="http://www.thepinkloulou.com/">http://www.thepinkloulou.com</a><br> <a href="http://blushandglowlex.com/">http://blushandglowlex.com</a><br> <br> <br> Show Notes<br> For people like Allison, getting started is the hardest part. You can truly make a passive income off your God-given talents and skill-set. You simply have to clarify your goals. Once you have that down, you are ready to start getting your own online membership site.<br> <br> People pay for needs, not wants. Focus on the people that have a need for your idea. In Allison’s case, this meant narrowing her focus on the value she brings to any kind of event. Not only do people need hair and makeup for their big day, but speakers, graduates, conference attendees. There is a need to present yourself at your best, therefore Allison’s services are needed, not simply wanted.<br> <br> Tell your members about your own tricks-of-the-trade, your experiences. These tools are valuable to your members, just like they are to you!<br> <br> Document what you do. You want to draw in people who want to learn from you on how you’ve built a business. People may already think they have the talents you have and that may be true. However, their next steps into how to run or operate a similar business, coil drive them to your online membership site.<br> <br> If we were to sit down and have tea while you took 30 minutes to tell me everything you do, what would that be? Make a bulleted list from A to Z of all the how, what, where, who, and why’s in your business. For your membership site, break this down into modules. For Allison, Module 1: her hair + makeup tips and tricks of the trade. Module 2 is talking about how to run a full-fledge hair + makeup business. Allison’s 3rd Module is outline of networking, and how she actually makes sure she gets gigs. Module 4 for her is simply do a couple member calls for her online membership site community each month.<br> <br> “It ain’t gotta be perfect.” It just has to be done. If you go in with a perfectionist mindset, it can turn into procrastination real quick. Perfection is the enemy.<br> <br> Growth is not instant. Starting your own online membership site can be overwhelming, but you are not alone in feeling that! You do not even have to have an existing business, just an idea to get started. People want to not only learn from you, rally around and support you in your online membership site pursuits! All that’s left to do is take that first step and just like we did with Allison, we can help you!