For The Life Of Me show

Summary: The biggest task in a human life is conquering the fear of death. It's hiding behind many of our experiences and decisions. Death has been visiting regularly and many beloved humans are transitioning during this profound and tender time. We may be asking ourselves, "How can we be of the highest service in a time of such loss?"This profound time gives us an opportunity to face death in a new way. This is a moment in the timeline when we are at a turning point in the possibility of the type of world we could create. "Who will we need to become in order to create a world of love?" The greatest thing each one of us can do is spend the time to know ourselves. If we gaze at ourselves deeply and face our fears with all of the courage that we have, this loss and suffering can expand into a clarity, showing us the path to live a meaningful life. The death passage cannot be controlled, reversed or resolved through positive thinking. It has its own way. The only thing to do is expand the perspective and use these experiences to awaken a deeper understanding of what life really is We live many lifetimes in many realms. This realm of earth school is for the purpose of evolution. The greater awareness is to respect the experience that these beings have chosen at the higher level, when, Instead of defining their passing a tragedy we can honor their choice of sacred transition. Trusting their souls that these exits are of the highest divine alignment. We are rendered on our knees in reverence to the great life that is breathing through every one of us. If we can recognize that all acts are divine we can transcend our fear of death.   When we can grasp the reality that human beings are eternal, we are free.