X Minus One - The Stars Are The Styx (07-24-56)

Boxcars711 Old Time Radio Pod show

Summary: The Stars Are The Styx (Aired July 24, 1956) Episodes of the show include adaptations of Robert Sheckley's "Skulking Permit," Bradbury's "Mars Is Heaven," Heinlein's "Universe" and "The Green Hills of Earth", " Pohl’s "The Tunnel under the World," J. T. McIntosh’s "Hallucination Orbit," Fritz Leiber’s "A Pail of Air" and George Lefferts' "The Parade". The program opened with announcer Fred Collins delivering the countdown, leading into this introduction (although later shows were partnered with Galaxy Science Fiction rather than Astounding Science Fiction): Countdown for blastoff... X minus five, four, three, two, X minus one... Fire! THIS EPISODE: July 24, 1956. NBC network. "The Stars Are The Styx". Sustaining. Young Tween is stuck on a space station, waiting for her chance to leave for the stars. Her problem? She's an albino! Craig McDonnell, Patsy O'Shea, Richard Hamilton, Charlotte Manson, Bob Hastings, Wendell Holmes, Theodore Sturgeon (author), Ernest Kinoy (adaptor), William Welch (producer), Bob Mauer (director), Fred Collins (announcer). 29:07. Episode Notes From The Radio Gold Index.