Free Online Event Announcement – Hunter-type Tribe Gathering #2

Adult ADHD ADD Tips and Support show

Summary: Hunter-type Tribe Gathering #2<br> Saturday, May 30th<br> 10:30am – 12:00pm Pacific Time<br> Use this link to work out your local time.<br> In our second Hunter-type Tribe Gathering, we’ll be discussing what life looks like for us “after quarantine”:<br> How were we effected?<br> What insights were gained?<br> How have we fallen off our routine (and how do we get back up again)?<br> What is our life vision moving forward?<br> Each of us (and our loved ones) have been effected in different ways. This is an opportunity for us to come together, as a tribe, to share our experiences, insights, and places where we really need support.<br>  <br> USE THIS LINK TO REGISTER:<br>  <br> <br> Don't see a player? Click this link to download the MP3 file.<br> If you have an Apple device (iPhone/iPad), you can download the podcast (and subscribe) for free at this link:<br><br> Visit the podcast web page to listen to all 74 episodes:<br><br> If you're enjoying the music on our podcast, be sure to visit Bahman's website to hear his entire catalog of albums!<br> For more info, visit:<br>