670 | All the ingredients needed for the secret sauce of success.

Internet Business Mastery | Escape the 9-to-5. Make More Money. Start an Freedom Business, Now! show

Summary: For the first 6 years of my entrepreneurial journey I was completely obsessed with finding the secret sauce needed for success.<br> <br> <br> <br> I figured the "GURU's" kept the secrets to themselves, but I was determined to find them anyways.<br> <br> Secret sauce means the exact combination of abilities, skills, knowledge, mindset, etc, that makes success inevitable.<br> <br> I had found a type of secret sauce in the J-O-B I had before I became an entrepreneur, so there had to be with this.<br> <br> For 7-10 years of my entrepreneurial journey I no longer believed in a secret sauce. I had a lot of successful friends and I wrongly thought I couldn't really see a specific combination of traits that was in each of them. <br> <br> Or so I thought.<br> <br> Then, I found my way into a top level, secret mastermind group. <br> <br> Actually I earned my way in.<br> <br> I was one of the top affiliates for a BIG internet marketing duo. A couple of the biggest guys in the business. You probably know them, if you've been around for even 5 minutes.<br> <br> This mastermind group was held at a very ritzy hotel <br> <br> Even the room the mastermind was held in seemed classy and upscale, not like those low end, crummy hotel seminar rooms you've probably been in before.<br> <br> There were about 18 people in the room, including me.<br> <br> Half the people in the room were extremely well known to me, in many different markets.<br> <br> The other half where the “behind the curtain” guys behind the "GURU's", the guys that made the *real* money.<br> <br> I was blown away over the two long days I spent with them and I learned things about myself and business that changed me forever. <br> <br> One of those things was the 3 ingredients in the secret sauce of success.<br> <br> When I left this magical place I was shocked, angered, and extremely excited.<br> <br> I was shocked that I didn't know most of the massive secrets I learned in that room. <br> <br> Secrets that could have made my entrepreneurial struggle lessened to the point of ease.<br> <br> I was angered that no one taught the specifics of all I learned there. These big guys and "GURU's" keep the info for themselves, as I suspected they did! <br> <br> I was right all along...<br> <br> I was extremely excited that I had the knowledge and could put it to use right away.<br> <br> I generally knew about the 3 secret ingredients. <br> <br> They all seemed obvious once I knew about them, but I never have seen anyone focus on them to the degree they need to be focused on.<br> <br> I started focusing on them right away. <br> <br> The first ingredient is that you have to *deserve* success. <br> <br> You have to take the small steps everyday that lead to the success you desire. I actually talked about this quite a bit on this daily show and I'll be talking about it a LOT more.<br> <br> It seems simple, but it's massively important and there is a lot behind it's simple looking exterior. <br> <br> I had used this first ingredient myself and was able to help 1,000's of people and enjoy 7 figure paydays because of it and that was without focusing on it!<br> <br> This is why freeloaders and get rich quickers will never be successful, they want to simply "push a button once and money endlessly comes out" opportunity, but that doesn't exist and it's a loser mindset from the get go. <br> <br> Deserving success isn't hard, but it cannot be skipped.<br> <br> I built this first ingredient into every course I've made. Simple, step by step plans on how to deserve success is really what all 10 courses are in the Freedom Club are designed as. I've gotten really good at adding it for you.<br> <br> The next ingredient seems to have a bit of a negative vibe around it.<br> <br>