How to transform your company and create a community using the Power Platform with Foyin Olajide-Bello | #LessCodeMorePower

Channel 9 show

Summary: Foyin is a Senior Solution Architect and Technical Project Manager at Sterling Bank. In this episode of Less Code More Power, she joins Dona and Sarah to talk about empowerment & community. Foyin shares insights into what she has been doing at Sterling Bank to create a community using the Power Platform. Foyin is an evangilist of the platform where she leads and mentors others, creating educational programs to upskill staff and transform the organisation and the local community. Join us in this episode to learn exactly HOW she does it! Foyin is a community leader in the Nigerian community where she is leading local user groups and inspiring others to learn and embrace the Power Platform, both in their organisations and professionally. Learn more about Foyin here: