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Internet Business Mastery | Escape the 9-to-5. Make More Money. Start an Freedom Business, Now! show

Summary: BTW, this episode if from a daily email I wrote in May of 2017:<br> <br> <br> <br> So, this week is moving week for me.<br> <br> A couple months ago I decided to make some huge life changes and this week I leave "the ordinary world" and I enter "the special world" of the Hero's Journey that author Joseph Campbell talks a lot about.<br> <br> I'm leaving my 6000 square foot home in a secret valley to move into a 1200 square foot apartment in the city in order to train for the first level of my new adventure.<br> <br> I've spent the last 2 months selling my house and donating 90% of my stuff.<br> <br> I'm going after a dream I've had since I was 19 and it's going to take everything I've learned and experienced to make it work.<br> <br> I believe that when you have a dream, you give your all towards achieving it.<br> <br> I believed it and went after it when I left my 6 figure career 14 years ago and ended up starting Internet Business Mastery and now it's time to do it again.<br> <br> Nothing is going to change with Internet Business Mastery. I'll still be doing these daily episodes and looking in on the winners masterminding in the Freedom Club Facebook Mastermind group, as always.<br> <br> BUT, I'll also be starting the business I conceived 27 years ago and didn't have any earthly idea how to start.<br> <br> I do now, so I'm giving my all, embracing change like a lover, all in order to encourage success in this new venture.<br> <br> I not only teach this stuff, I live it.<br> <br> You have this desire too. <br> <br> I know it.<br> <br> That is why you're here listening to my show.<br> <br> You don't have to sell everything and give up your past in order to make it happen, just get the guts to join the Freedom Club and set aside some time everyday.<br> <br> It can be just 30 minutes a day. Schedule and do it.<br> <br> Join me on the Hero's journey NOW:<br> http://www.FreedomClubVIP.com<br> <br> Jeremy Frandsen<br> World Leader in Freedom Business Education