Old Time Radio - OTRNow show

Summary: OTRNOW OLD TIME RADIO PODCAST #28 2 1/4 hours of classic old time radio. COLUMBIA WORKSHOP (Columbia Presents Corwin) July 04,1944 CBS net. "Home For The Fourth". Sustaining. A story typical of America and the things it stands for. Norman Corwin (writer, producer, director), Dane Clark, Bernard Herrmann (music), Dick Cutting (announcer). RIPLEY'S BELIEVE IT OR NOT July 5,1938. Red net. Sponsored by: Post 40% Bran Flakes. The first tune is, "Chansonette." Ripley's features are about "The Foreign Queen Who Became A U. S. Citizen," "The Naming Of Canada," "Mortgaging The U. S. Capitol and the White House," "Backwoods Genius," "The Youngest Preacher" and the most valuable letter. Robert Ripley, B. A. Rolfe and His Orchestra, Linda Lee (vocal), Ford Bond (announcer), Bennett Kilpack. CALLING ALL CARS July 4,1934 CBS Pacific net (Don Lee net). "July Fourth In A Radio Car". Sponsored by: Rio Grande Oil ("Calling All Cars Radio Log"). Fireworks are being exploded within the city limits. The announcer twice mentions that this is "broadcast #35." A holiday spent by radio in a police car. "A slice of actual life." The above date is accurate (the program is about the fourth of July holiday). The program number is possibly #32, despite what the announcer says, unless there is a three week error in the relationship of the program numbers and dates. After the drama, Mr. Lindsley announces that "there were thirty-four characters (in the radio drama)...played by twelve people," and unlike other programs, names them all. Mary Tuthill, Jeanette Nolan, Martha Wentworth, Ralph Scott, Joe Franz, Hanley Stafford, Sam Pierce, Charlie Lung, Richard LeGrand, Robert Frazer, Fred Harrington, Lindsay MacHarrie, William N. Robson (writer, producer), Charles Frederick Lindsley (narrator The Bill Stern Colgate Sports Newsreel. July 4, 1947. Program #399. NBC net. Sponsored by: Colgate Shave Cream. Bill Stern, George Jessel, Joe Howard, June Haver. ESCAPE- July 04,1948. CBS net. "A Tooth For Paul Revere". Sustaining. How the American Revolution really started, a humorous look at a Yankee farmer's point of view. The script was previously used n "The Cavalcade Of America" on May 11, 1942 (see cat. #22924) and on "Adventure Ahead" on September 9, 1944 (see cat. #5132). Stephen Vincent Benet (author), Harry Bartell, Parley Baer, Berry Kroeger, Norman Macdonnell (producer, director), John Dunkel (adaptor), Ivan Ditmars (special music). America, Why I Love Her By John Wayne Some show descriptions Copyright 2011 J. David Goldin http://www.radiogoldindex.com