Molehill Mountain Episode 166 – Blizzard’s President Is a Stupid Doo-Doo Head

KNGI Network Podcast Master Feed show

Summary: You ain't distracting me with shiny Diablo 4s and Overwatch 2s. I see you, Blizzard. We ALL see you.<br> <br> 0:40 - Blizzard's president says his company was in the wrong and learned it's lesson but admits it will do nothing different<br> 18:45 - China is implementing a gaming curfew for underage gamers<br> 24:24 - The Monster Hunter World Iceborne and Resident Evil 2 crossover isn't as good as the Witcher III crossover but that's a super high bar<br> 41:06 - I saw Terminator: Dark Fate. It's pretty good!<br> <br> <br> If you missed Saturday’s live broadcast of Molehill Mountain, you can watch the video replay on YouTube. Alternatively, you can catch audio versions of the show on iTunes. Molehill Mountain streams live at 7p PST every Saturday night on RandomTower!<br> Credits: Molehill Mountain is hosted by E. Zachary Knight and Andrew Eisen. The show is edited by Andrew Eisen. Music in the show includes “Albino” by Brian Boyko. It is in the public domain and free to use. Molehill Mountain logo by Scott Hepting.<br> Chat Transcript:<br> <br> 6:58 PMCyberian_Tiger​howdy, how are you today?<br> <br> 7:00 PMaddictedtochaos​Hello<br> <br> 7:00 PMCyberian_Tiger​thank you, first time watching. so blizzard. i remember seeing a post on 4chan leaking a lot about things going down in flames<br> <br> 7:09 PMCyberian_Tiger​Sounds like something that was made in a board meeting. I mean I get his got the feet at the fire and but Just sounds like they got higher eyes stabbing them from above.<br> <br> 7:10 PMmatthew wilson​as wrong as it was, thats the point<br> <br> 7:11 PMmatthew wilson​its word soup intentionally<br> <br> 7:16 PMmatthew wilson​on a side not jeff kaplen, lead for overwatch, says the ban should be repealed. call me a cynic, but that sudden openness happend a few days after china restrected amount time people can play online<br> <br> 7:20 PMSusanne Christ​...ew<br> <br> 7:22 PMmatthew wilson​thats why I linked the 2 stories, maybbe china wont be the market they think it will be<br> <br> 7:22 PMfroilen13​what governet is free from corruption and human right violations ? please<br> <br> 7:23 PMSusanne Christ​Greenland <br> <br> 7:23 PMSusanne Christ​Antarctica<br> <br> 7:23 PMSusanne Christ​def. Antarctica<br> <br> 7:24 PMmatthew wilson​he is trolling<br> <br> 7:25 PMSusanne Christ​last MH inplayed was on the DS. is the upgrade worth it?<br> <br> 7:25 PMmatthew wilson​I mean re doesnt have big monsters to fight, kinda a weird crossover<br> <br> 7:26 PMjordan thompson​I'm late, how did you fair after the 24 hour binge?<br> <br> 7:26 PMSusanne Christ​25 hour* lol<br> <br> 7:27 PMmatthew wilson​I dont mean size, so much, I mean a monster fight. re is mostly zombies<br> <br> 7:28 PMmatthew wilson​also ff14 x neir crossovver is soo good, and the remixes of the music is amazing<br> <br> 7:28 PMD G.​Death Stranding has reinvigorated my desire to play video games<br> <br> 7:29 PMSusanne Christ​the FF monster hunter was awesome!<br> <br> 7:29 PMSusanne Christ​final fantasy<br> <br> 7:29 PMaddictedtochaos​Final Fantasy<br> <br> 7:29 PMCyberian_Tiger​Death stranding, couldn't get into it but I'm glad it turned out well.<br> <br> 7:29 PMlittlegittel​just got home from JoJo Rabbit. sooo good<br> <br> 7:29 PMjordan thompson​I wanna belive diablo 4 announcement was to butter up to the gamers blizzerd made mad with all the controversy<br> <br> 7:30 PMD G.​I like that there's nothing else on the market like Death Stranding. People complained about Nier upon release, but now it's a cult classic.<br> <br> 7:30 PMmatthew wilson​you dont mke a full 8 minute cgi trailer in a month<br> <br> 7:31 PMD G.​No, the first Nier. Not automata.<br> <br> 7:31 PMaddictedtochaos​Think they mean original Nier<br> <br>