Molehill Mountain Episode 169 – Bad Consumer

KNGI Network Podcast Master Feed show

Summary: All I bought were groceries.<br> <br> 0:50 - Andrew's Black Friday adventure!<br> 8:52 - The Mandalorian continues to be okay!<br> 20:58 - I played Nioh. I didn't like Nioh.<br> <br> <br> If you missed Saturday’s live broadcast of Molehill Mountain, you can watch the video replay on YouTube. Alternatively, you can catch audio versions of the show on iTunes. Molehill Mountain streams live at 7p PST every Saturday night on RandomTower!<br> Credits: Molehill Mountain is hosted by E. Zachary Knight and Andrew Eisen. The show is edited by Andrew Eisen. Music in the show includes “Albino” by Brian Boyko. It is in the public domain and free to use. Molehill Mountain logo by Scott Hepting.<br> Chat Transcript:<br> <br> 6:59 PMotritzu​Hey, Andrew<br> <br> 6:59 PMotritzu​Between working weekends and other stuff getting in the way that's not surprising.<br> <br> 7:00 PMjordan thompson​currently watching shazam! from the stack of movies I scored om black friday<br> <br> 7:01 PMjordan thompson​black as night *wink*<br> <br> 7:03 PMjordan thompson​I went to walmart it was calm nothing special though I did walk in another direction when I saw a dude with lighter fluid in one hand and smoking with another DUMBASS<br> <br> 7:07 PMotritzu​Sounds like you've had a Week<br> <br> 7:07 PMjordan thompson​are my chats going through<br> <br> 7:08 PMjordan thompson​I guess they are it just gliched for a minute<br> <br> 7:08 PMaddictedtochaos​Missed the start, YouTube crashed.<br> <br> 7:09 PMaddictedtochaos​Makes me glad I live in a small town<br> <br> 7:09 PMjordan thompson​that baby yoda merch so far ehhh :(<br> <br> 7:11 PMjordan thompson​the refurbished AT-ST was neat<br> <br> 7:13 PMjordan thompson​I know I'm getting ahead of myself but I so want a time skip for season 2 and baby yoda becomes full grown while still traveling with mando<br> <br> 7:16 PMjordan thompson​the AT-ST was used by pirates so id assume they arnt trained enough not to be fooled by rudimentary traps<br> <br> 7:17 PMjordan thompson​the doggy pirate reminded me of the style of the ewok films<br> <br> 7:19 PMjordan thompson​baby yoda and mando walk in to a bar..... where was the joke there andrew<br> <br> 7:24 PMCollin Asmus​Have you heard of Static-X the band.<br> <br> 7:24 PMSusanne Christ​is the other guy not coming back?<br> <br> 7:25 PMSusanne Christ​no internet?! o.o woa! ...wouldn't be a le to survive &gt;. <br> 7:26 PMaddictedtochaos​Love Static-X<br> <br> 7:26 PMSusanne Christ​.... ew &gt;. <br> 7:26 PMjordan thompson​sorry I have to make the obvious joke..... are you related to jesus<br> <br> 7:26 PMSusanne Christ​totes! lol<br> <br> 7:27 PMjordan thompson​it's gotta be hell knowing you'll never stack up against jesus its like fred clause<br> <br> 7:28 PMSusanne Christ​om geebles every Thanksgiving. you know jesus turned water into wine and healed the blind and u? what have you accomplished?! lol<br> <br> 7:29 PMjordan thompson​I existed<br> <br> 7:29 PMSusanne Christ​lmao xD<br> <br> 7:31 PMSusanne Christ​oooh can we vote on which games up next?! :D<br> <br> 7:31 PMjordan thompson​thats not a knock at the existance of Jesus I'm just a vain self intrested human at I'm least I'm honest LOL just kidding<br> <br> 7:32 PMjordan thompson​I thought about watching charles angles so I crashed a train and got the same effect<br> <br> 7:32 PMSusanne Christ​woooo!!!<br> <br> 7:32 PMSusanne Christ​democracy!!!<br> <br> 7:32 PMSusanne Christ​lol train<br> <br> 7:33 PMjordan thompson​it was cheese so much chesse<br> <br> 7:33 PMjordan thompson​but it was not gooda<br> <br> 7:33 PMSusanne Christ​lol<br> <br> 7:33 PMSusanne Christ​<br> <br> 7:34 PMSusanne Christ​I heard frozen 2 had too much singing<br> <br>