Molehill Mountain Episode 170 – Let’s Try This Again

KNGI Network Podcast Master Feed show

Summary: The original recording of episode 170 is corrupt and unrecoverable. So, let's record it again!<br> <br> 1:30 - Safi’Jiva is awesome but not terribly fun to fight alone<br> 10:23 - Episode 6 of The Mandalorian is... a mixed bag<br> 18:48 - Andrew reacts to the international trailer for Ghostbusters: Afterlife<br> 41:03 - Capcom announces a remake of Resident Evil 3. Andrew nitpicks the character design<br> 45:10 - Almost all of the game trailers premiered at The Game Awards were lacking<br> <br> <br> If you missed Saturday’s live broadcast of Molehill Mountain, you can watch the video replay on YouTube. Alternatively, you can catch audio versions of the show on iTunes. Molehill Mountain streams live at 7p PST every Saturday night on RandomTower!<br> Credits: Molehill Mountain is hosted by E. Zachary Knight and Andrew Eisen. The show is edited by Andrew Eisen. Music in the show includes “Albino” by Brian Boyko. It is in the public domain and free to use. Molehill Mountain logo by Scott Hepting.<br> Chat Transcript:<br> <br> 6:59 PMaddictedtochaos​Hello<br> <br> 7:04 PMjordan thompson​Capcom get with the program, it's FOR THE CHILDREN!!!<br> <br> 7:05 PMjordan thompson​you should title this podcast groundhog day<br> <br> 7:08 PMaddictedtochaos​Thought you had already played through DQ11<br> <br> 7:10 PMaddictedtochaos​I wish GTA online would let me do that.<br> <br> 7:12 PMSusanne Christ​Hii!!!!! got your picture ^-^ you look gorgeous!<br> <br> 7:13 PMjordan thompson​if you know angry joe ive been watching his reviews of the mandilorion and he mentioned the series might be set up like old westren cereals having each episode it own contained story<br> <br> 7:15 PMjordan thompson​the devil dude was the voice actor for Mr krabs<br> <br> 7:15 PMSusanne Christ​money money money<br> <br> 7:16 PMSusanne Christ​....u know spongebob...dont lie<br> <br> 7:16 PMaddictedtochaos​It is Clancy Brown<br> <br> 7:18 PMSusanne Christ​...THE GUY THAT SAYS MONEY MONEY MONEY<br> <br> 7:18 PMSusanne Christ​yes!!!<br> <br> 7:18 PMjordan thompson​if anything happens to baby yoda mandos gonna go from Clint Eastwood to John wick<br> <br> 7:18 PMScottyJayMan​Is Spongebob the 5th Smash reveal?<br> <br> 7:19 PMSusanne Christ​nothing can happen to baby yoda... or else we wouldn't have yoda<br> <br> 7:22 PMaddictedtochaos​Just wasn’t a well cut trailer.<br> <br> 7:22 PMaddictedtochaos​On the plus side it doesn’t give too much away.<br> <br> 7:23 PMjordan thompson​if a new story in the franchise cant win over the fan the past few years I thought id be neat if they remade the first two movies but animated exactly like "the real ghostbusters"<br> <br> 7:24 PMjordan thompson​and maybe just ripping the audio from the movies instead of getting new actors<br> <br> 7:25 PMaddictedtochaos​Yeah, definitely still in Post Production.<br> <br> 7:28 PMjordan thompson​why do you want us to see your face we know you dont emote anyway<br> <br> 7:30 PMjordan thompson​Andrew is a terminator comfirmed<br> <br> 7:30 PMaddictedtochaos​Mostly the same<br> <br> 7:31 PMjordan thompson​I just realized Paul Rudd could have easily been Oscar but I don't think they'll make reference to that character ever<br> <br> 7:32 PMBlueLightRevival​The kids kill it for me,<br> <br> 7:33 PMjordan thompson​sadly the original actor for Oscar has passed on<br> <br> 7:34 PMjordan thompson​id be betting slimer is in the trap<br> <br> 7:34 PMaddictedtochaos​Someone has to teach them to not cross the streams.<br> <br> 7:35 PMjordan thompson​well Andrew polirods are harder to be covered up by the goverment<br> <br> 7:37 PMjordan thompson​but are we gonna see CGI deaging original ghostbusters flashbacks<br> <br> 7:38 PMjordan thompson​this is Oklahoma if there isnt a state fai...