Molehill Mountain Episode 182 – Socially Isolated With You

KNGI Network Podcast Master Feed show

Summary: Let's be socially isolated... together.<br> <br> 0:00 -  Working from home during the COVID19 pandemic<br> 28:16 - Theatrical releases going to streaming services at prices that might make sense for families but not individuals<br> 36:04 - Sony spills the beans on the PS5 and manages to bore gamers<br> 46:05 - I played the Resident Evil 3 demo. I liked the Resident Evil 3 demo.<br> 55:50 - I'm want Doom Eternal but I'm not buying it because there's paid DLC on the way and I want to know what it is first<br> 57:32 - How I discovered Animal Crossing was not a game for me<br> <br> <br> If you missed Saturday’s live broadcast of Molehill Mountain, you can watch the video replay on YouTube. Alternatively, you can catch audio versions of the show on iTunes. Molehill Mountain streams live at 7p PST every Saturday night on RandomTower!<br> Credits: Molehill Mountain is hosted by E. Zachary Knight and Andrew Eisen. The show is edited by Andrew Eisen. Music in the show includes “Albino” by Brian Boyko. It is in the public domain and free to use. Molehill Mountain logo by Scott Hepting.<br> Chat Transcript:<br> <br> 6:59 PMNicholas Dickey​Thanks for streaming!<br> <br> 6:59 PMotritzu​Evenin' Andrew. I've been enjoying Animal Crossing.<br> <br> 6:59 PMNicholas Dickey​Are you more comfortable working from home now?<br> <br> 7:00 PMScrungle Humingsworth​hey Andrew! playing jackbo? with my family!<br> <br> 7:00 PMScrungle Humingsworth​jackbox<br> <br> 7:00 PMNicholas Dickey​Animal Crossing gaining a lot of buzz<br> <br> 7:01 PMaddictedtochaos​Hello<br> <br> 7:06 PMaddictedtochaos​Working from home is not an option for me. However, there is NO way my company will tell us not to come to work short of the entire building burning to the ground.<br> <br> 7:08 PMaddictedtochaos​Warehouse<br> <br> 7:09 PMNicholas Dickey​100 percent the heroes, indeed!<br> <br> 7:09 PMaddictedtochaos​We supply to convenience stores in WV, OH, PA, KY, MD<br> <br> 7:13 PMmatthew wilson​you could still do pickup at most restrants?<br> <br> 7:13 PMmatthew wilson​have you ecountered panic buying? stores around me keep getting cleaned out<br> <br> 7:15 PMmatthew wilson​I dont get it, of all things why tolet papper<br> <br> 7:17 PMmatthew wilson​so all the shit that will go bad in a few days people sure are smart /s<br> <br> 7:17 PMNicholas Dickey​ew<br> <br> 7:17 PMNicholas Dickey​huh, I should try that<br> <br> 7:17 PMotritzu​Tofu-egg<br> <br> 7:18 PMotritzu​...*Shudders in disgust*...<br> <br> 7:18 PMmatthew wilson​atleast its the death of the handshack<br> <br> 7:19 PMmatthew wilson​donate the masks, they do you no good<br> <br> 7:20 PMNicholas Dickey​Exactly, always the tub/shower haha<br> <br> 7:20 PMWarren Lewis​Hi Andrew!<br> <br> 7:21 PMmatthew wilson​safe bet its empty sadly people are being xenophobic and avioding asian stores<br> <br> 7:23 PMScrungle Humingsworth​I laugh at the people avoiding chinese stores<br> <br> 7:23 PMotritzu​I've always used the "Fistbump" as an alternate high five.<br> <br> 7:23 PMScrungle Humingsworth​because Asian stores have rice for pennies on the dollar<br> <br> 7:23 PMScrungle Humingsworth​POUNDS OF RICE FOR CHEAP BABAAAAY<br> <br> 7:23 PMotritzu​I've always used the "Fistbump" as an alternate high five.<br> <br> 7:23 PMAndreas Protopapas​hello Andrew, the cheek air kiss thing is the standard greeting here in Greece<br> <br> 7:25 PMScrungle Humingsworth​the virus can get in through your eyes, should of bought a full face mask<br> <br> 7:25 PMAndreas Protopapas​some people rub noses though... I don't know what's worse<br> <br> 7:26 PMotritzu​It's an open box (if you've used any of 'em) there's very little chance they'll accept 'em.<br> <br>