660 | Who NOT to work with…

Internet Business Mastery | Escape the 9-to-5. Make More Money. Start an Freedom Business, Now! show

Summary: A couple times a week I get emails begging me for direct coaching.<br> <br> <br> <br> They DON’T say, "Hey Jeremy, you're a world leader in freedom business education, how much would it be if you were to coach me a couple hours a month while I'm starting my freedom business?"<br> <br> Nope, what I usually get from people is something else.<br> <br> "Can you tell me specifically how to start and run my freedom business? I know you're a nice guy and you should totally help me out cause... (enter entitled reason here)"<br> <br> These would be people that had never bought anything from me, just freeloaders looking to sucker me.<br> <br> When I was new, I fell for this a lot.<br> <br> I wanted to help anyone and everyone and I'd fall for every entitled reason that came my way.<br> <br> But, I found something out.<br> <br> Freebie seekers don't do the work.<br> <br> Freebie seekers don't take the advice.<br> <br> Freebie seekers want to have someone to blame when they don't do what it takes to succeed.<br> <br> Freebie seeker is just one part of a Loser Mindset, get rid of it now.<br> <br> I was fueling their fire of being a loser by not allowing them to take part in the Value Cycle. I talk about that in the Freedom Club, a lot.<br> <br> Know your value and demand it. <br> <br> If a freebie seeker gets mad when you demand your value, good. You taught them what it is to value yourself.<br> <br> Giving people your best stuff for free only hurts them and keeps them in a pattern of a Loser Mindset and, even worse, it wastes your time.<br> <br> Demand the best, even from your audience.<br> <br> You know you're ready to get started, do it now:<br> http://ibmamain.wpengine.com/freedomclub/ <br> <br> Jeremy Frandsen<br> World Leader in Freedom Business Education