BSH Radio 25: Frank Seravalli of the Daily News talks Gagne, Turco, Holmgren

Broad Street Hockey Radio show

Summary: <p>The dog days are here. To help get through them, we welcome Frank Seravalli of the Philadelphia Daily News on to our little radio program this week to help wade through the mess that was the <a class="sbn-auto-link" href="">Simon Gagne</a> trade.</p> <p>Paul Holmgren has made a bit of a mess of our team in the last few weeks, and Frank joins the show to help us figure out exactly what the general manager has up his sleeve. Will the <a class="sbn-auto-link" href="">Flyers</a> chase a goalie, perhaps one who's name begins with Marty and ends with Turco? Will they be after another winger?</p> <p><a target="_blank" href="">mikefive </a>also joins the program and we play a rousing match of trivia. Does Ben finally go down in defeat? Find out by listening to this week's episode. We've hit the quarter-pole!</p>