BSH Radio 27: In which Geoff hopes to compare Brian Boucher to Cole Hamels

Broad Street Hockey Radio show

Summary: <p>I had cholera yesterday (apparently), so Ben and Geoff pulled off the first-ever edition of BSH Radio that doesn't feature me. So, needless to say, it's better than usual -- you'll want to listen. Ohio jokes abound.</p> <p>In this weeks edition, Ben and Geoff break down the terrible Columbus game, the much better Buffalo game, and what to look for in tonight's game in Pittsburgh. <em>(Side note: what is this? Flyers-play-teams-from-depressing-cities week?)</em></p> <p>Geoff tries to compare <a class="sbn-auto-link" href="">Brian Boucher</a> to <a class="sbn-auto-link" href="">Cole Hamels</a>... one's the 2008 World Series MVP, the other is a career journeyman goaltender. But is there actually some truth to it? Their teams seemingly can't score for them and, as a result, they usually get the blame for losing games that should have fallen in the win column.</p> <p>Ben makes me nervous about taking my hosting gig with an incredible segue from discussing the Buffalo game and the Flyers inconsistent offense to <a class="sbn-auto-link" href="">Jeff Carter</a> and his role on the team going forward. (See, I did actually listen to the show. Jerks.)</p> <p>Anyway, you should listen too. Get it after the jump.</p>