Interview with Taryn Hipwell from

The Green Living Guy show

Summary: EcoDivas purpose is to show the “Who’s who” and “How-to” of being green. EcoDivas is a multi-layered concept that highlights the fabulous sides of being Eco and Divalicious. As the creator of EcoDivas, I truly believe that no one can do everything, but everyone can do something. There are lots of misconceptions about going green that often create an unnecessary amount of Eco-Anxiety. No one said being eco couldn’t be as easy as switching your lipstick, repurposing a t-shirt or eating less meat (which saves a butt load of water). Just pick the easy and fun eco things to do first and feel powerful for doing them; then eventually they will become second nature. THE WEBSITE— covers the hottest topics that women love: EcoDesigners – fashion/interior/makeup designers, EcoDivas of the Week – rawfoodist/burlesque dancers. And EcoEvents: celebrity green carpet events and eco-openings, and more, but each with a fabulous green twist. It’s all to show that GREEN come in every color, taste and style!