GTWM Podcast S07E34

Good Times with Mo: The Podcast Season 7 show

Summary: It's the last day of this dreadful month of April and Labor Day weekend for many of you in the Philippines, right about that time to kick back and listen to the newest GTWM Podcast episode! We have a good set of callers and some quality conversation to be had on this show, so let's check out the details: Caller #1 is Jerry who is 32yrs old from Manila. Jerry wants to give his two cents about his experience on Tinder during social lockdown. He states that Mo may be incorrect that Tinder is there for people just to have sex. The has had some fruitful connections with quite a few girls the past 6 weeks. Caller #2 is Mavic who is 32yrs old from KL, Malaysia. Mavics GF of 11 years broke up with her and is now living in with a new girl. She isn't happy though in her new relationship and wants to get back with Mavic; however, the lockdown in KL has made it wherein she can't leave her current live-in GF and go back to Mavic until lockdown is lifted. Is she doing the right thing by getting back together with her ex who is currently still together with someone she is living with? Caller #3 is Pia who is 30yrs old from Makati. Pia is dating a younger man and the problem with boylet is while he is showing serious intentions with Pia, it seems he is trying to purposely make her jealous because he keeps talking about all the girls that want a piece of him. How can she address this issue with him? Caller #4 is Louie who is 39yrs old from QC. Louie had one of the more memorable calls from Season 6 (Episode 15) and he wanted to ask a question that has come up a few times during lockdown -- how do I not get mad at my kids when they make mistakes? Many dads and moms right now are spending more time with the children than ever before, which means getting more angry at mistakes. GTWM The Podcast Season 7 is brought to you by the great people at Sharp Philippines! Get yourself an Ultra-High Definition TV from Sharp, you certainly deserve it! Powered by , we will see you on another episode of GTWM tomorrow. Thanks for the download and please support the podcast by donating as little as $0.99 cents via Anchor at: --- Support this podcast: <a href="" rel="payment"></a>