#96: Loving Kindness Meditation: An Offering from Opal

The Appetite show

Summary:  How have you been doing lately? Mental health is of utmost importance during the coronavirus pandemic. In this mini episode, we’re offering you a Loving Kindness meditation, led by Opal Co-Founder, Executive Director and Radically Open DBT expert Dr. Lexi Giblin, PhD, CEDS. Lexi will walk you through this externally-focused meditation which will ask you to connect to your heart’s center and offer love, warmth, and kindness to others. Allow yourself the time to pause, breathe deeply, and send loving thoughts to those out there that are on your mind--a far away friend, the healthcare workers at your local hospital, or even that worried-looking grocery clerk you saw earlier this week. We hope you feel free to return to this episode again and again when you need a moment to re-center.    Links:    Connect with Opal:  Facebook:  Instagram: @opalfoodandbody Twitter:  Youtube:      Thank you to our team... Editing by Hans Anderson:  Music by Aaron Davidson:  Daniel Guenther at Jack Straw Cultural Center:  Host and Producer Carter Umhau: