The Solution Zone - NeoCons and Nukes - 08/29/12

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Summary: Guest #1 : Mildred Elizabeth Sanders - Professor of Government, Cornell University, Author, "Roots of Reform” Topic: Are Conventions Necessary? And  Romney’s NeoCon Foreign Policy Advisers There are no surprises in store as the Republican Convention progresses for views - with heir apparent candidates being anointed rather than selected and what about Romney’s foreign policy advisers? No questions asked? Almost all are former Bush and Reagan administration NeoCons Guest #2:  Alice Slater -  New York Director of the Nuclear Age Peace Foundation - Topic: Ignoring Iran's Call for Banning Nuclear Weapons by 2025 Iran called for a World Nuclear Weapons Ban by 2025 at the  Non-Aligned Movement Summit but the story is unreported by the New York times, even though the paper ran a front page article on the summit