YGC Radio presents: Dr. Marion Thorpe

Young Gun Conservative Radio Network show

Summary: Dr. Marion Thorpe, the former Chief Medical Officer of the State of Florida, will be the first African American to run for a statewide seat when he runs for the U.S. Senate seat, being vacated by current Senator Mel Martinez. Thorpe is best known for his strong advocacy for improved quality Health Care system that is better, affordable and not socialized or government run. He plans to make the economy and education priorities of his Senate campaign. To this end, he has launched an initiative to introduce life skills training and financial literacy to schools and teen programs, part of a broader Thorpe for Youth Initiative. As Chief Medical Officer he sought to ensure that new technology was used across the state to prevent medical mishaps and loss of patient information. Dr. Thorpe launched several programs to ensure that the care offered by Florida ’s HMOs and Public Health providers would serve patients better on all levels. Dr. Thorpe will be on our show to tal about his candidacy, his platform and much more!