585 Who Could You Be?

BIG Life Devotional | Daily Devotional for Women show

Summary: <br> Jesus extended an invitation to two brothers who were fishing. The invitation was simple, “Come, follow me.” He wasn’t inviting them to a business meeting. It wasn’t a 3 day conference or a weekend trip. The invitation was for an adventure. An adventure with Jesus.<br> Today, you and I receive that same invitation. Come, let’s follow Jesus.<br> Will it be easy? No. Will it be comfortable? No. Will it always make sense? No. Will it be the adventure of a lifetime? Absolutely!<br> Jesus told those fishermen if they would follow him he would make them fishers of men. What they had been doing would be elevated to a whole new level of meaning and impact. The skills they had would be used for a greater purpose.<br> We each long for a greater purpose. Something of deeper meaning than just earning a paycheck and watching it go. More than doing what we’ve always done where we’ve always done it.<br> Do you know why you long for more? Because you were created for more. It is by great design of the master that you desire a greater purpose. It’s not you being selfish or ungrateful for where you are, it’s the result of a calling on your life. A calling every single one of us are beckoned by. The calling of an adventure with Jesus where we become someone more and do something greater.<br> Now, this is important … how would these simple fishermen achieve this higher level of living and find greater purpose? Jesus said “I WILL MAKE YOU FISHERS OF MEN.” Jesus does the making.<br> Here we are trying to remake ourselves while we contort into some twisted shape hoping the new thing sticks, and we’ve missed the invitation. If we will follow Jesus, he will make us into something greater.<br> Simon and Andrew were nothing more than fishermen. They had the very basics of skills and job titles. Catch fish and sell the fish, repeat again the next day. Yet, they were qualified for MORE.<br> Why do we disqualify ourselves, assuming we could never do anything great for Jesus? It’s easy to see the speaker on the stage, the author of the book, or the band singing the song and believe they were created for something bigger than you … BUT YOU WOULD BE WRONG.<br> Everything you need to do is summed up in Jesus’ invitation. Follow him and he will do the making!<br> I’m a little country girl without a single day of college, just following Jesus on a great adventure while he makes me into more. I’m a follower. He’s the maker.<br> Simon and Andrew had one skill, catching fish. Jesus would use their skill for a great purpose and instead of drawing in fish, they would draw in souls. They weren’t great speakers or authors, they weren’t powerful or influential, they didn’t have wealth or status.<br> They were simply willing.<br> Willing to follow.<br> Follow Jesus.<br> And … Jesus did the making.<br> He took what they could do and multiplied it beyond their wildest imaginations. They not only witnessed miracles, they were part of the miracles. They traveled, they experienced, they grew, and they became. Became who only Jesus could make them become.<br> Who could Jesus make you become? What could he do with your life? Where could he lead you? What could you experience? You want to see miracles? You want to be part of miracles? The invitation is yours … come, follow Jesus.<br> As you follow him, he will do the making of YOU.<br> The transformation will happen so gradually you won’t even know it’s happening sometimes. But you will begin seeing things differently. Your perspective will be changed. Your thoughts will change. Your words will be affected. Your heart will be turned.<br> Then your actions will be impacted. Your habits will change. Your desires will shift. Your courage will build. The opportunities will come, and one day you’ll realize you’re doin...