#17 Deep Sleep Whisper Hypnosis (Jason Newland) (6th January 2019)

(ASMR) Deep Sleep Whisper Hypnosis (Jason Newland) show

Summary: TRANSCRIBED BY <a href="https://otter.ai/referrals/T1UKO5K7" rel="noopener">https://otter.ai/referrals/T1UKO5K7</a><br>Hello, welcome to chase and nuland.com. My name is Jason. This is deep sleep whisper what's kind of session the sleeping, but it's also a whisper ASMR as well, kind of a mixture to try and maybe cater for those that enjoy listening to whisper sessions. And also for those that want to listen to sleep hypnosis session or maybe for those that both. And of course those that just like listening to my voice. And maybe you've listened to many of my other sessions and find that when you do listen to my voice, that one automatically you start to feel tired and sleepy. Therefore, only listen to this. Or if you're watching on YouTube only watch it when you can safely Close your eyes. Because this sleepy session may cause drowsiness. And hopefully well. And even though the drowsiness levels may differ among those people that listen to this. Now there's also the added benefit that even if you're listening to this at a time when perhaps you don't really need to go to sleep at this precise moment. When you do come to decide to sleep deeply and to lay down on your bed. And second your head touches your pillow. Something happens it's as if your heads touching that pillow is like you press the button the button sends the signals into your brain to just relax your entire body to relax each and every muscle in your entire body.<br>And the good thing about your body and your mind is that they are connected. your mind and your brain is your body. Your body is your mind. It's all connected. So one thing<br>he can get a friend or a couple of friends say let's have a game. I'm going to lay down on the floor and I want you to pick my body up<br>my head laid my head on the floor. I want you to pick my body up.<br>Because you can because the head is connected to the body via that little bridge called the neck. Therefore, the neck is the body. The brain is the body the mind Is the body, your body and by connecting both together, consciously connecting both together, not seeing them as two different thing. Actually accepting that it's all one thing you are your mind, your mind issue, you are your brain, your brain is who you are your heart, your your legs, your arms, your hands, your stomach, your back, your spine, your pancreas, your kidneys, your livers, or liver, if you've only got one. So you're everything that you are, that everything that you are committed acts deeply as one.<br>So instead of just relaxing your ankles when you relax your ankles, you also relax every part of your body, which also you relax every part of your mind. Every on your body, relax well right through to the roots. You know what you can then realize that actually, those airs, including the ones you can't see inside your skin, that connected and it could be like your own acupuncture cues that are already there, connected to the parts of your body that are already there. stimulated and healing each every part of your body, and brain all at the same time. relaxing your body, your mind and your brain all at the same time. Realizing that actually, instead of doing gnosis and focusing on concentrating on your unconscious mind, taking control and trying to in some way, distract your conscious mind so that it does something else and moves away, given space and time. And allowing your unconscious mind to make those changes that you need. Including fallen asleep easily. And naturally. What effort you choose so that you can heal during your sleep. And when you do awaken. You can feel amazing, full of energy ready to face the world ready to enjoy your life. Instead of just focusing on distracting the conscious mind and allowing the unconscious mind to do those things which you would like to happen.<br>Maybe we could do something a bit different. Maybe we could do something a little bit unique, a little bit traditional. Maybe we can focus the conscious...