#46 Deep Sleep Whisper Hypnosis (Jason Newland) (12th February 2019)

(ASMR) Deep Sleep Whisper Hypnosis (Jason Newland) show

Summary: TRANSCRIBED BY <a href="https://otter.ai/referrals/T1UKO5K7" rel="noopener">https://otter.ai/referrals/T1UKO5K7</a><br>Hello, and welcome to chase, new land.com My name is Jason Newland, and this is deep sleep, whisper hypnosis. Please listen to this when you can safely Close your eyes. The same goes for if you're watching this on YouTube, please only watch when you can safely Close your eyes.<br>Please subscribe, I should get a little recording, does that just added get in every session. There's something about personalization of it, but doing it every time. Yeah. I love saying the same things over and over again. It's brilliant.<br>So what we could do today is very, very, very simple. The simpler the better for me is first of all keys of comfortable. Make sure you stay comfortable. Move your body, if necessary. Factor whatever is necessary for you to stay comfortable. So, if it means standing up and stretching or moving the other side, you know, move on to the other side or whatever, just<br>look after yourself. And as we discussed previously, when you lay down on your bed, your head touches the pillow, which is a trigger for your body to become heavy, which then triggers your mind<br>to slow down and empty in its own way, in its own time at its own speed. Wow, that is a Korean. I'd like you to imagine you're walking down 100 steps. And remember, this is your imagination. So even if in reality that would be not possible. For whatever reason physically. In your imagination, you can if you choose it can be on an escalator going down<br>each step. And if you choose even more is up to you, you can be sitting in a chair so the escalator can be big enough to hold your chair and it could go down each step<br>is it just make it compatible with your physical abilities so that you feel comfortable I think I've covered most bases on that one. I'm just Come talk about stepping down during this recording,<br>but you adapt it to suit your own preferences and each step down the stairs sends you deeper and sleepier. So that's it. It's really that simple. Start in step number two. You're going to hear background sounds as normal. feeling sleepy 99 feeling sleepy. 98 feeling sleepy. 97 failing sleeping 90 sex sleeping 95 feeling sleepy 94 failing. Sleeping 90 re failing. sleeping. breathing. Sleeping 91. Night sleeping at night sleeping alright tip seven. failing. sleepy. He say feeling sleepy 85 feeling sleepy 84 feeling sleepy 83 failing sleepy at feeling sleepy feeling sleepy at pay the sleeping 79 failing sleeping 78 failing sleeping 77 failing cepii 76 failing sleeping 75 failing sleeping 74 failing sleeping 73 feeling sleepy 72 failing sleepy 71 failing sleeping 70 failing sleeping 69 Bailey sleeping 68 sleeping 67 feeling sleepy 66 failing sleeping 65 failing. Sleeping 64 failing sleeping 63 failing sleeping 60 sleeping 61 sleeping six days failing sleeping 59 failing sleeping 58 sleeping 57 feeling sleepy 50 sex failing sleeping 55 failing sleeping failing sleeping pray baby sleeping sleep sleeping 51 sleeping 50 phasing sleeping 49 failing sleeping 48 pletely sleeping 47 feeling sleepy for failing sleeping 45 failing sleeping for to fall feeling sleepy 43 failing sleeping 40 to failure one phase sleeping feeling sleepy that sleeping eight sleeping that is feeling sleepy 36 feeling sleepy 35 feeling sleepy 34 failing sleeping 33 feeling sleepy 32 feeling sleepy 31 feeling sleepy 29 feeling sleepy ate sleeping 27 failing sleeping 26 slaby te fi fi se p doing T for failing. Sleeping when three failing sleepy feeling sleepy when to one failing sleeping juggling. Failing sleeping 90 failing. sleeping right sleepy Seven t failing. Slide 16 feeling sleeping four took well laughter sleeping sleeping no I say hey sleeping seven sleepy bye slave all right you slay.....CONTINUE READING : <br>