107: Talia Pollock on The Lighter Side of Plant-Based Eating

Straight-Up Wellness show

Summary: In this episode, Talia Pollock talks about her fun and creative approach to plant-based living:<br> <br> * How plants saved Talia's life<br> * Life sentence IBS diagnosis <br> * Healing with a vegan diet<br> * Social isolation from healthy dieting<br> * Inner change to owning your health<br> * What a plant-based diet actually is<br> * Whole foods as much as possible<br> * What Talia eats in a day<br> * Apple cider vinegar<br> * Loving leftovers<br> * Cooking as an act of self-care<br> * Plant-based comfort foods<br> * Upgrading ingredients you already have<br> * Food porn<br> * Adapting recipes for keto<br> * Cooking for meat eaters<br> * Thoughts on soy<br> * Choosing tempeh<br> * Favorite proteins<br> * Plant-based pastas<br> * Favorite recipes from "Party In Your Plants" book<br> * Mental associations with food and how it makes you feel<br> * How to add more plants into your current life<br> * Tracking macros, counting calories