The Secret Weapon You Aren’t Utilizing Enough – Work In Sports Podcast

The Work in Sports Podcast - Insider Advice for Sports Careers show

Summary: Hey everybody, I’m Brian Clapp VP of Content and Engaged learning for <a href=""> </a>and this is the Work In Sports podcast…I apologize for not having a Friday podcast last week. I have to say, Friday was the first day of this quarantine that my kids were really struggling. They’ve been incredible this whole time, but they are young, this is really weird, and it felt like Friday it all caught up to them at once. It was rainy and cold, the sky was grey all day...and all three just looked miserable. So I skipped the podcast, bailed on a few meetings I was supposed to have, including a podcast interview with <a href="">Averee Dovsek from PGA Tour Radio </a>which we are going to do this Friday instead. Averee is a cool story -- she’s in college, a D1 golfer on the women’s team at Hofstra, and has also done some very high profile internships with golf channel and PGA tour radio...and during the pandemic, rather than sit around blaming the world for h<a href=""></a>er season coming to an end, and her internship with PGA Tour radio...she started a podcast.  She reminds me of some of my previous guests like <a href="">Carlton Robie</a>, <a href="">Dasmine Evans</a> and <a href="">Jake Kernan</a> -- driven, focused, and willing. Those are great attributes when you are trying to get into this business.Anyway, Averee’s interview will be live in two weeks, this week on Wednesday is <a href="">Ari Kaplan, one of the pioneers of baseball analytics</a>. I don’t say that lightly, he is a pioneer in baseball analytics and data science. He’s worked or consulted for every major league team - and he shares a bunch of really fun stories, great career advice, and insight into what is happening now in the world of data science and analytics. I know many of you in our audience will get pretty geeked up about this one, I know I did. Just one more note, Ari speaks on these intricate subjects in such a deliberate manner, he makes it easy to understand complex information. As he puts it, you can’t talk to a manager or GM in spreadsheets, you have to translate and explain… which he does so so well in this interview. This whole tangent started with me explaining why I missed the podcast on Friday. And it’s to make this point. We all make choices every day, don’t forget to make choices for yourself or those who rely on you most. Sometimes, you need to be you the person, more than you the worker. OK, let’s move along…The question today comes in from Jonny in Los Angeles… Jonny writes“Hey Brian, I feel like you are my trusted advisor even though you don’t know me personally. I listen intently to what you share, and since your advice has so often been proven true in my life, I trust you implicitly. My question - the advice you hear all around the internet is that during this time you should be doing more informational interviews with people in the industry. While this advice seems legit, I ask you, how? Like, how do you set them up, what do you ask, what are the goals, and how should I set this up for success? I’m just not quite sure I understand why they are valuable.”Jonny, your question basically wrote my outline for me… how do you do it, why do you do it, what questions do you ask and what does success look like. Like seriously, that’s how I outline just about every talk. How, why, what and what does it look like when it works. Thanks for doing my work for me :)Ok, so let's talk about informational interviews.