NLO 1324: Getting Silly


Summary: <br> Alex Ansel, Adam Dominguez and Chrim Waldorf join Patrick to commiserate about the pandemic and try to find some joy in the world. Patrick is pretty sure he had COVID-19 last week. Chrim Waldorf, aka the Cold Brew King, has been driving Uber and trading stocks recently. According to recent successes, he’s the new Gordon Gecko. We reminisce about our last standup shows before the closures of comedy clubs, and talk about whether or not it’s cringe to do standup comedy over the internet with a crowd of zero. Adam thinks beards are unhygienic, Patrick talks about letting out a hot yoga fart, and the guys weigh in on predictions for the future of society. Listen soon, because we are all going to die.<br> <br> <br> <br> <br>