GTWM Podcast S07E32

Good Times with Mo: The Podcast Season 7 show

Summary: <p>It's been a week since our last episode and many of you are likely aware why -- it's been a tragic week in the Mo/Chopper household. Angelika lost her brother Francis to complications from Covid-19. This coronavirus has been such a mainstay topic on the show for the past few months and today, the biggest fear has impacted the life of one of our truly loved people on this show. To Angelika and her family, I hope you keep them in your thoughts during this difficult time. To take a break from all of the unfortunate events at home, Mo has put an episode together as a bit of a momentary escape even if it is for just a few hours. Let's try to find some kind of normalcy in tonights episode. Here are the details:</p> <p>Caller #1 is DingDong Dantes who is 39yrs old from Makati. DD and Mo talk about life in lockdown for one of the countries biggest stars. From parenting to work ethic, it's a nice dive into how DingDong sees certain aspects of life. It's a really good chat.</p> <p>Caller #2 is Mike who is 29yrs old from Dallas, Texas. Mike is married to a Filipina but for the first bunch of years it was an LDR marriage. Now that she is in the US with him, they are finding themselves in challenges that are unique to close quarter relationships. Unique is an understatement here -- listen to find out why.</p> <p>Caller #3 is Jane who is 23yrs old from BGC. Jane's live in partner has ghosted her during this lockdown period. The problem is he encouraged her to quit her job, which she did, and move to Cavite, which she followed, only to have left her without a word or reason.</p> <p>Caller #4 is Noey who is 35yrs old from Los Angeles. Noey has been reckless with his social distancing habits and it's because he recently met a girl and they are in their honeymoon stage and long for each others company. Especially at a time like this, it's more important to quarantine than ever but he's really into this girl and he wants to make sure they are exclusive to survive this pandemic. This call is gonna make your teeth hurt.</p> <p>GTWM The Podcast Season 7 is brought to you by the great people at Sharp Philippines! Get yourself an Ultra-High Definition TV from Sharp, you certainly deserve it! Powered by , we will see you on another episode of GTWM tomorrow. Thanks for the download and please support the podcast by donating as little as $0.99 cents via Anchor at:</p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="" rel="payment"></a>