What Would Winston Churchill Say About the Current Situation with Coronavirus? – with Dr. Larry P. Arnn

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Summary: Winston Churchill led Britain through both World Wars. But how would he fight the invisible enemy we face today? How might Churchill approach the current situation with Coronavirus? Dr. Larry P. Arnn is the President of Hillsdale College, where he also serves as a professor of politics and history. He earned degrees from Arkansas State and Claremont Graduate University and studied at Oxford University, where he was the Director of Research for Sir Martin Gilbert, the official biographer of Winston Churchill. Dr. Arnn is also the author of Churchill’s Trial: Winston Churchill and the Salvation of Free Government and the editor of The Churchill Documents. On this episode of Student Housing Matters, Dr. Arnn joins guest host Alton Irwin to explore what Winston Churchill might say about the situation we face with Coronavirus. He discusses Churchill’s leadership style in challenging circumstances, describing Churchill’s fight-hard-to-win-fast approach to war and explaining why he believed that serious judgements cannot be made with expertise alone. Listen in to understand how Dr. Arnn thinks about making decisions for Hillstone and learn how we can leverage Churchill’s idea of shared sacrifice to combat COVID-19. Topics Covered Churchill’s leadership style in challenging circumstances What Churchill might tell us if he were alive today Be impatient, find strategy to win fast Give people tools + autonomy to use Why serious judgements can’t be made with expertise alone Weighing the health, mental health and economic impact of COVID-19 The unprecedented suspension of in-person classes at Hillstone Dr. Arnn’s approach to making decisions for Hillstone Don’t make difficult decisions until you HAVE to Never make decisions alone The factors Dr. Arnn considers re: bringing students back to campus Connect with Dr. Arnn Dr. Arnn at Hillsdale College Books by Dr. Arnn The Churchill Documents by Martin Gilbert The Churchill Project Connect with Alton Student Housing Matters Student Housing Matters on Facebook Student Housing Matters on Twitter Capstone On-Campus Management Alton on LinkedIn Email media@cocm.com