Color of Magic: Episode 29 - Companion Complications

MTGCast show

Summary: <div class="trix-content"> <div>This week we cover a lot of topics: Ultimate Edition Prices, LGS's surviving isolation, Ikoria companion problems, 8-player live drafts on Arena, and how PoC have to think about promoting themselves. <br><br>***Apologies that this was a rushed edit due to other things going on***<br><br> </div> <div>DeQuan - @powrdragn<br>Brian - @dlceasar<br><br>Our TCGPlayer affiliate link:<br><a href=""><br><br></a>Color of Magic Patreon:<br><a href=""></a><br><br> Website:<br><a href=""></a> <br><br>Twitter:<br><a href=""></a><br><br> Facebook:<br><a href=""></a> </div> </div>