Hard Factor 4/20: Coronavirus Updates, 420 Fantasy Draft, Cocaine Cassie, Nude Model Kidnapper, The Italian Mafia Is Mafiaing

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Summary: Barstool Sports Daily News Podcast Support Hard Factor & ‘Pop The Clutch’™ on a Shirt » MERCH: bit.ly/HF-Merch . -------------------- - Domestic update on the coronavirus. Florida beaches were re-opened in Duval county and the internet is making fun of Florida more than usual. New stimulus package for small businesses and hospitals being finalized. - Australian woman and famous drug smuggler Cocaine Cassie is free but she might still be in trouble in Columbia - There have been a lot of protests in the US over re-opening but they pale in comparison to the 100k person protest in Bangladesh - The pastor of Baton Rouge Life Tabernacle Church is asking for people to donate their stimulus checks to evangelical churches like his - Former Texas model and Playboy model was arrested after being on the FBIs most wanted list for several years for kidnapping her daughter from her ex-husband - 420 Fantasy Draft of best snack, sweet, movie, tv show and video game to play stoned - Italian mafia is alive and well and taking advantage of people during the coronavirus lockdown - New Jersey beaches have a lot of interesting trash -------------------- • Follow us on TWITTER • @HardFactorNews: bit.ly/HFTWIT . @HardFactorMark: bit.ly/MarkCats . @HardFactorPat: bit.ly/PatHF . @HardFactorWes: bit.ly/WesTwit . @HardFactorWill: bit.ly/HFwill . Follow us on INSTAGRAM @HardFactorNews: bit.ly/InstagHF . YOUTUBE: bit.ly/HardFactorYT .