Jack Benny – House Of Rawchild. 340824

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: Audio condition is fair to poor. Don introduces that master golfer and violinist, who tells about being back in New York. Listen and learn about his trip to Atlantic City and Coney Island. Even Mary gets in a few laughs on the topic. Frank Parker gets in on the fun before singing, but the songs are all snipped out. The play is introduced, and Don Bester's number is also cut out. The play is a spoof of the popular film of the day, House of Rothchilds, but is slightly renamed. Providing musical interludes through the play, Don Bester atually gets a full number in, Farewell to Arms. Jack is an overbearing tycoon who has trouble with his sons doing justice to represent the family name. Will his sons strike out in the world and make good? A very good spoof if you can get past the poor audio. I may have a better copy of this show, stay uned, and I'll