Lamar’s top 5 Quarantine Shows on Netflix 4-17

Bob & Sheri show

Summary: Lamar’s top 5 Quarantine Shows on Netflix       Shelter in place is pretty much everywhere, and it has us living a life that we are not used to. Being barricaded inside our houses, warned to not venture outside and either get or spread the virus. Unless you are a teenage boy or a grown ass man living in your mama’s house with a controller in your hand, headphones and a microphone screaming “on your left, on your left, shoot him, shoot him”, with your curtains drawn in total darkness. You have no idea what day it is, or if it’s midnight or 2 in the afternoon. Vampires go out more than you! The only thing you fear more than running out of pizza rolls and energy drinks is someone offering you a job! For the rest of us we need something to take our minds off the fact that our world is upside down. One thing most of us do is turn to Netflix. If you are one of the 12 people in America that don’t know what Netflix is, I suggest you push stop on your 8 track tape deck, take out your flip phone or get on your CB radio and try to find somebody not stuck in your time warp and ask them about it.   The following is my recommendations for the shows you should be watching on Netflix   Justified ran from 2010 to 2015 and it starred Timothy Olyphant as Raylan Givens, a U.S. Marshal that gets reassigned from Miami to a rundown mining town in eastern Kentucky, where he was born and raised. There is no other TV lawman like badass Raylon. Watch the first 76 seconds of the first episode and you won’t stop until you see the last minute of the last episode.       Breaking Bad is probably something a majority of people have watched, but if you haven’t, this is the best TV series I’ve ever seen. There is not a so-so episode in all 62 episodes. It continues to build on itself and the best thing is they knew when to quit, and how to end it. Here’s a tip, I was told it was great and I watched 3 episodes but I didn’t get hooked. A year later I was told watch at least 5 and you’ll be hooked. I did and I was. You will be too.       Parks and Recreation ran from 2009 to 2015 and this is another one that I watched 1 episode and wasn’t hooked. Later I went back and watched 2 more and it just kept getting better. This is “The Office” good. Honestly, Parks and Recreation is so good, if I had to pick one, it would be hard for me to choose between it and The Office.       Mind Hunter came out in 2017 and there are 2 seasons. The series is about the FBI and set in the 70’s. Two agents start interviewing serial killers that are in prison and this leads to what we call today profiling. This is an amazing show.       The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel is a show that I avoided for the longest time. I saw clips and just wasn’t interested. Some people kept telling Carla how good it was so we started it, and I’m glad we did. It’s set in the 60’s and a Jewish housewife decides to become a standup comedian much to the horror of her family. Women, especially housewives did not do standup comedy. Especially with the purely adult content she uses. Be prepared, the language is really rough, but the show is so funny.       These are just 5 I think you need to take a look at. As I come across more I’ll let you know.       My Score on all of these is a Full 6PK