Internet Business Mastery | Escape the 9-to-5. Make More Money. Start an Freedom Business, Now! show

Summary: In 2004 when I got started, I'd have 100 business ideas a day.<br> <br> <br> <br> I'd sometimes wake in the middle of the night with a new business idea and I'd have to write it on a notepad I kept next to my bed because I couldn't go back to sleep for fear of losing the idea! If I didn't write it down I'd lay there and think about it over and over again.<br> <br> I'd record ideas in the car. <br> <br> I'd be constantly writing ideas throughout the day. <br> <br> I'd carry a small notepad with me everywhere I went, so I could capture another idea. <br> <br> Sometimes, in the middle of a conversation, I'd have to put my finger up, say, "WAIT!", and dig in my pocket for my notepad so I could jot down another damn idea.<br> <br> It started to become a daily drain. <br> <br> After about 6 months of endlessly writing down new business ideas, I finally saw a quote about the real value of business ideas. <br> <br> It helped me break free from the 'idea prison', of which I seemed to have had a lifetime sentence, and move to the actual *important* part of business. <br> <br> I can't find the original quote I saw, those 13 years ago, but here is one that that says the same thing:<br> <br> "Good ideas have no value because the world already has too many of them. The market rewards execution, not ideas."<br> <br> ~Scott Adams - author of How to Fail at Almost Everything and Still Win Big.<br> <br> That thought is what got me started with ACTION instead of just jotting down another “brilliant” idea.<br> <br> I hear some new entrepreneurs talk about all the ideas they have. <br> .<br> They want to do them all and are paralyzed because they don't know which one to start on or even worse, they want to do more that one at a time.<br> <br> If this is you, get out of the idea prison today. <br> <br> Pick one and start now.<br> http://www.FreedomClubVIP.com<br> <br> Jeremy Frandsen<br> World Leader in Freedom Business Education<br> <br> P.S. Don't have even 1 business idea? <br> <br> Not to fear, the Niche Master Class is here! <br> <br> It's all the different ways to find a profitable niche all in one class. It comes complimentary with your Freedom Club membership:<br> http://www.FreedomClubVIP.com