1062. Are Dogs Left or Right Pawed? Comedian Jo Anne Worley Answers.

Animal Radio® show

Summary: Comedian Jo Anne Worley reveals new research that answers the age-old question, “Can dogs have a preferred paw just like humans are left or right handed.” Also, Lauren Watt created a bucket list for her terminally ill dog. She posted it on Yahoo and never expected the response. It went viral. Simon and Schuster asked her to write a book about her dog 160lb Mastiff, Gizelle. She has advice on preparing a bucket list for your pet when the time comes? Also, it’s not often that you see the much maligned Pit Bull as a service dog. In fact, while the breed is banned in Denver, the American Disabilities Act makes Rachel McClennan’s Pit Bull, Sally, exempt from the ban. Rachel has a neurological disability that makes her faint. Generally, these kinds of service animals can smell chemical changes in a person’s body that indicates a seizure or loss of consciousness may occur, giving the patient time to prepare.