Running The Ropes 09-07-12 now archived


Summary: A short show this week but nothing is spared this week in the world of pro wrestling.<br> In the news, CM Punk goes old school and blades himself during his cage match with Jerry Lawler. Randy Orton goes off and on TV to film the new 12 Rounds movie followed by a later feud with Mr. Money In The Bank, Dolph Ziggler. Vince McMahon has some good notes about the Prime Time Players. Kaitlyn gains a bit of a botched win in the Divas battle royal. Funkadactyls member Cameron gets suspended for two weeks for drinking and driving, bribing a police officer, and lying about employment. Bully Ray resigns with TNA but Devon splits, which puts the TV Title in jeopardy. Winter finally gets her official release from TNA this week. TNA is green-lighted for a “boot camp” reality TV show in the UK.<br> In the weekly show breakdown, WWE Raw shows that even though they just came back from a grueling Australian tour, they spend Labor Day at work while CM Punk takes a personal day, gives a GTS to Cena, and hitches a ride with Paul Heyman.<br> On this week’s Impact, Austin Aries and Hulk Hogan take it right to the Aces and 8s by capturing the plant that attacked Aries from behind last week and holds him hostage and Hogan tries to find someone to take the Tag Team Titles off of Kaz and Daniels.<br> Find out Brian’s opinion on both shows and more on this week’s edition of Running The Ropes, the official podcast of the Unchained Wrestling Network and a part of the SNS Radio Network.<br> <a href=""></a><br>