104: Kevin Kearns on How To Train Like an Ultimate MMA Fighter

Straight-Up Wellness show

Summary: In this episode, Coach Kevin Kearns talks about his MMA fitness training courses:<br> <br> * Coach Kevin's story<br> * Being bullied<br> * Gaining strength and confidence through fitness<br> * Achieving a physical transformation through a college major<br> * Hobby --&gt; Lifestyle --&gt; Career/Business<br> * The Fitness Connection<br> * Pitfalls of gym ownership<br> * Burn with Kearns<br> * Riding the UFC wave <br> * Becoming a UFC Fighter Coach<br> * Building the core up first<br> * Burning calories and boosting self-confidence<br> * Gas in a Tank protocol <br> * Train like an Ultimate MMA Fighter<br> * Fun in hitting stuff<br> * In-school programs for kids<br> * Why hitting something is good<br> * Get Fit Without Getting Hit<br> * Consistency and commitment = results in 8 weeks<br> * Fitness for 40+ community<br> * Exercise equipment