Figuring Out Your Passion in the Sports Industry – Work In Sports Podcast

The Work in Sports Podcast - Insider Advice for Sports Careers show

Summary: It's the most frequent question we receive -- "I love sports, what should I do for my career?" listen to this episode of the Work In Sports podcast for some ideasHey everybody, I’m Brian Clapp VP of Content and Engaged Learning at <a href=""></a> and this is the Work In Sports podcast…A couple of quick notes before we jump into today’s fan question:Note #1: Quarantine kind of stinks. It is essential, I’m glad we are all taking it seriously, but this stinks. Note #2: So many of you that I know from our audience are posting that they’ve been laid off, or your job has been furloughed -- and this hurts me to my core. This feels like something I’m seeing every time I log in to LinkedIn - another person posting they’ve lost their job. I feel for all of you. We are all feeling a tightening of our belt. Reach out to me via LinkedIn, or our Private Facebook group and I’ll see what I can do to help. Our <a href="">private Facebook group</a> is a great spot to network, and fund support from your peers. Others like you, facing these times and looking for support and guidance. Search for the Work In Sports podcast on Facebook, answer a few questions and you are in!<a href=""></a>Note #3: In the same spirit, we have created an abridged version of our Work In Sports Academy courses -- we call it Academy Essentials. It is now FREE for all users to access, so if you are looking to increase your knowledge, learn some strategies and tactics that will help when it comes to getting hired in the sports industry, Academy Essentials is a great start and again, completely free.Alright, today’s fan question comes from Wyatt in Colorado -- “Hey Brian, I’m a junior in college, pretty early in my sports career and I’m trying to figure out my fit for the industry. I notice on your site that your tagline says “make your passion your career” I like that saying… I know my passion in sports...but what part of sports should I make my career in, that’s where I struggle. Any ideas that can help me.Also, I have to say your site actually has a lot of jobs right now, and I didn’t expect that, thanks for your continued hard work during these times.”Wyatt -- thanks for the kind words and good questions. I think the final side note is kind of funny -- “your site actually has a lot of jobs right now” that word actually always cracks me up, it’s like the ultimate backhanded compliment.You actually look nice today. Wow, that paper you wrote is actually pretty good! Your site is actually pretty good at this! I appreciate the positive response Wyatt, we are working really hard as a team right now, and always, to find all the potential opportunities out there. We know many of you are hurting, and finding your next opportunity can be a way to bring light to the end of this tunnel.As I mentioned last week on our special Friday edition, in normal times we add about 75 new sports jobs a day, which is a LOT of opportunities, and that number HAS slowed down, but it hasn’t stopped. We added 183 fresh sports jobs last week...and trust me, there is going to be a huge boom once quarantine lets up. There are opportunities now, and there will be more soon. Our site, is absolutely your best place to get the latest on opportunities. So let’s get into your question about passion, and then refine things further. This comes with the caveat of, I can’t answer this question for you, you have to discover it. Has anyone seen the movie Inside Out? It’s a Pixar movie, really really really well done. I have young kids, so I see all of these types of movies. Trust me, I have a point in here, just stick with me. The movie is, on a macro level, about your emotions and how your experiences to help frame them.   One of the concepts they use to explain this concept to younger minds is that all of your exper...