568 Keep Me In the Moment

BIG Life Devotional | Daily Devotional for Women show

Summary: <br> How much has your life changed? Are you missing something you once had which is no longer a luxury you’re afforded?<br> Ya’ll know me by now. You know I’m a generally ridiculously positive person. People tease I wake up farting rainbows, even before my morning coffee. But yesterday morning I had myself a little moment. It was a dangerous combination of being all alone and scrolling through my Facebook memories. It was a reminder of all I’ve lost. My two oldest children are far away in the military and I have no idea when I will get to see them again. My prodigal daughter left our family almost a full year ago and we’re still praying for her return. I haven’t heard her voice or seen her face in over 7 months. My daddy went to heaven and my mama is safely quarantined an hour away from us. For the past 2 decades, these are the 5 people who have been our world. Now, it’s just my husband and I.<br> Is it okay for me to say I just miss them? I miss what was. I miss the kids coming home from school, piling up on the couch with all their friends and eating everything we had in the pantry. I miss planning weekends with my parents. I miss the noise. I miss the happy. I miss the chaos. I miss what was.<br> What are you missing as your new normal is setting in?<br> I bet most of us are missing things we never even noticed a month ago. Things we once wished away. Things we were annoyed or burdened by. Now, we want it back.<br> What will happen when some of these pieces fall back into place? What will happen when the kids all go to school again, the restaurants open and jobs start back? What will happen when those who are working endless shifts right now to keep us alive and keep us functioning go back to a normal schedule with time at home? What will happen when going to the grocery store is just another mindless task?<br> What will happen? How quickly will we forget we missed it all?<br> Lord, don’t let us be on this perpetual roller coaster ride of only wishing for what we don’t have and missing what we do. When we’re up, we miss the down time. And when we’re down, we miss the high. Teach us to just be on the ride and savor exactly where we are.<br> My BIG Life sister Jewel text me a new song yesterday. I have since listened to this song a minimum of 10 times. “Keep Me In the Moment” by Jeremy Camp. Jewel had no idea the timing of this song and how it happened to come on a day when I was longing for moments that had passed, causing me to miss the moments I have.<br> I’ve been thinking ’bout time<br> And where does it go<br> How can I stop my life from passing me by, I don’t know<br> I’ve been thinking ’bout family and how it’s going so fast<br> Will I wake up one morning just wishing that I could go back<br> I’ve been thinking ’bout lately, maybe<br> I can make a change and let you change me<br> So, with all of my heart this is my prayer<br> Singing oh Lord, keep me in the moment<br> Help me live with my eyes wide open<br> ‘Cause I don’t wanna miss what you have for me<br> Singing oh Lord, show me what matters<br> Throw away what I’m chasing after<br> ‘Cause I don’t wanna miss what you have for me<br> Keep me in the moment<br> Oh, keep me in the moment<br> Keep me in the moment<br> ‘Cause I don’t wanna miss what you have for me<br> Here in this moment, God has something for you. But if you’re not in the moment you will miss it. What have we been missing, how much of life has been passing us by, because we’re not in the moment.<br> I don’t want to miss what God has for me today. We’ve been talking a lot about our “daily bread”. We are beginning to understand the provision of God’s hand on a daily basis as the guarantee of future provision has been threatened.