Boston Blackie – Kingston and the 15 Story Disappearing Office Building. 480908

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: Blackie gets a phone call from an old friend about a 15 story office building he just bought. Then overnight, it just disappeared, and all that remains is a vacant lot. Blackie is skeptical the building ever existed, and goes to visit the folks who made the deal with his friend, Kingston. The men deny any knowledge of the deal, but it's quite obvious they are crooks. It's up to Blackie to put on the right kind of pressure to turn the tables. To evade Blackie and justice the men... kill themselves? Well not exactly. Criminals have some really twisted logic, and morals. When the surviving thugs criminal wife learns of the swindle, the murder, the faked suicide, she makes her own claim for the big bucks. With Blackie snooping around, she has to seek some help of her own. The cops are ready to close the case, but Blackie knows there's still a killer and some missing money out there. It's not so much a matter of who did it, but how is Blackie going to trap them, and hand them over to the cops? And just how did they manage the disappearing building routine? Blackie has all the answers.