Community Organizing in Crisis - Juliana Garcia '14

Fresh from the Hill: Inside Stories of Noteworthy Cornellians show

Summary: <p>During this time of crisis and uncertainty, we lean on our local communities for support. <em>Fresh from the Hill </em>host Juliana Garcia ’14 is doing her part as an active member of <a href=";notif_id=1585595005187123&amp;notif_t=group_activity">Mutual Aid Tompkins</a> - a grassroots organization responding to community needs amid the COVID-19 pandemic.</p> <p>Tune in as she talks to our producer, Amanda Massa about how to organize, identify existing resources, and gain support. Interested in getting involved in your local community? Visit <a href=""><strong>COVID-19 Mutual Aid USA</strong></a>. Stay home and stay safe, everyone!</p> <p><em>“I feel like this is one of those points where if I looked back 10 years from now I would be really upset with myself if I didn’t do anything.”</em></p> <p>Read the <a href="">episode transcript.</a></p> <p>Created and produced by Amanda Massa.<br> Music by Kia Albertson-Rogers '13, <a href=""></a>.<br> Artwork by Chris Kelly.</p> <p>*The views expressed by <em>Fresh from the Hill</em> hosts and guests do not necessarily reflect the opinions or policies of Cornell University.</p>