Fire And The Well (30 Min)

Happy Mind: Meditations from the Ancient World to Modernity show

Summary: <p>The training method we will be using in this 30 minute guided meditation is for anyone that is ready to let go of unwanted feelings or emotional responses that don’t fit the situation. It starts from the premise that your life experience can change and that the change begins inside your own mind. If you can change what is happening on the inside, almost as by a miracle, you will witness the outside start to change around you. The idea is that if you are feeling any negative emotions, there is a bug in your software, a set of connections in your mind that are wired incorrectly. Your subconscious or emotional self, is confused and doesn’t understand something. So we are going to be doing a series of exercises in this guided meditation that will help your emotional self disconnect some incorrectly made associations. In a way, we could think of these negative feelings as our subconscious mind’s way of asking us for our help. If the feelings are bad enough, maybe we’ll pay attention and slow down enough to listen to what the problem is so that we can release it and our higher self can take command.</p><br><p>Before we get started, you are going to need a specific situation to work with. We are going to be working with this one memory for the whole session so make sure you have a specific, very recent or very vivid incident in mind. Unless the incident is pressing on your mind or has just happened, generally speaking it is best to do this exercise when you are fresh and alert. So if the incident isn’t fresh in your mind and it is late and you are feeling sleepy or you have just had a big meal or a couple of drinks, now may not be the time for this technique. A nap might be better therapy in that case!</p><br><p>You will need to think of a time when you were feeling overly worried relative to what was happening in your life or a memory of when you got angry or you were hurt by someone; where you felt unhappy, fearful, anxious, lonely, betrayed, trapped or overwhelmed by disappointment or hopelessness or shame.</p><br><p>If your life really was in danger, then that is something different. We are focused here on situations where your emotional response, from the perspective of someone outside the situation looking in, wasn’t a fit with what was going on. An event where you reacted to the situation in a way that now you aren’t proud of or would like to have behaved differently. It is designed for situations in life where it seems like your emotions are out of hand and you feel out of control of what you are doing or how you are feeling. Maybe you yelled at your spouse or got angry at work or you are eating too much or drinking more than you should. Maybe you keep waking up in the night or can’t go to sleep in the first place because you are anxious about something going on in your life. Or perhaps you just feel sad and lonely all the time and there is no good reason for it. Maybe you feel that way right now. If so, that’s ok, we can use that.</p><br><hr><p style="color: grey; font-size: 0.75em;"> See <a style="color: grey;" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" href=""></a> for privacy and opt-out information.</p>