Ramp Up Your Networking Efforts – Work in Sports Podcast

The Work in Sports Podcast - Insider Advice for Sports Careers show

Summary: Hey everybody, I’m Brian Clapp, VP of Content and Engaged Learning at WorkInSports.com and this is the Work In Sports podcast.A little housekeeping before we head into this episode… at WorkInSports we had multiple leadership meetings last week to say “what can we do that helps”...well here it is, you are the first to hear our plan.<a href="https://www.workinsports.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/qa_cover.png"></a>#1 We are ramping up our content, because I think right now, in social isolation, we all need it. We’re going to do three podcasts a week -- Mondays and Fridays will be focused on surviving and thriving in these nutty times as it relates to your career. So for example, I’ve done episodes on how to properly work from home, interviewed Kenneth Shropshire CEO of the Global Sports Institute, advice for conducting video interviews and more. If you haven’t listened to those yet, you should, it’s all very timely information.On Wednesdays we will stick with our expert interviews -- for right now they are not going to be coronavirus related --  these will be more of the normal career-focused expertise. ~ I’ll also be very active on our private Facebook group -- which you can join by searching for the <a href="https://www.facebook.com/groups/WorkInSportsPodcast/">WorkInSports podcast group on facebook</a>...answer a few questions, and I’ll grant you access to this wonderful network of former guests, and aspiring sports professionals who are all trying to help each other get ahead and survive.~ And if you reach out to me on LinkedIn, I’m going to try and do an even better job of being responsive and helpful during this time. #2: You are hearing everywhere, and I couldn’t agree more, to be honest, that now isn’t a time to sit on the couch, wallowing in self-pity, or watching Stephen A Smith -- times are not that desperate. Everyone on the advice side of the industry is telling you -- learn a new skill, master your craft, use your time wisely...and that is good advice.To that point -- One way you can do that is through our Work In Sports Academy courses. We are 100% online, which is the appropriate distance - and you’ll learn incredible strategies tactics and techniques that will get you hired in sports -- once the world gets back to normal.In fact, over the last week, I built out an abridged version of this curriculum which in the next few days we are going to be giving away for FREE to all of our current members with either free or paid accounts. All you have to do is upload your resume.We did this to help. We are in this together. The full coursework is available at WorkInSports.com/academyand like I said, we’ll be making a essentials version available for free coming this week.#3 We also recognize that many of you who had part-time or gig type jobs at events are now out of work. So, starting later this week we will be making all gig and part-time jobs free to access for anyone on our job board. We’ll send out more info on this as it comes live… but if you are struggling right now due to this outbreak and isolation, check out the free PT and gig jobs...and you can contact our customer service at 1-855-220-JOBS#4 We are also doing our best to keep up with the status of all jobs. We’re double-checking openings to make sure they are still being filled. Now, with that said, things are changing very rapidly, so cut us some slack if you hit a job on our site, follow the link to apply and find out it’s no longer available.We’re doing our best, to keep up.Alright - we’ll keep coming up with new ways to help in the coming weeks, for now, let’s get into today’s subject.“What can I be doing during social isolation?” -- You can be networking. This is a GREAT time to be relationship building and doing informational interviews. Right now, countless sports industry workers are sitting at home unable to perform their normal tasks… I keep seeing pictures of various friends of the podcast, like <a href="https://www.workinsports."></a>