Molehill Mountain Episode 183 – Nintendo’s Giant Mini Direct

KNGI Network Podcast Master Feed show

Summary: Nintendo published a Mini Direct. It was 30-minutes long.<br> <br> 0:14 - My salty thoughts on the copyright claim made against my recent live stream<br> 17:38 - My thoughts on everything announced during Nintendo's Mini Direct<br> <br> <br> If you missed Saturday’s live broadcast of Molehill Mountain, you can watch the video replay on YouTube. Alternatively, you can catch audio versions of the show on iTunes. Molehill Mountain streams live at 7p PST every Saturday night on RandomTower!<br> Credits: Molehill Mountain is hosted by E. Zachary Knight and Andrew Eisen. The show is edited by Andrew Eisen. Music in the show includes “Albino” by Brian Boyko. It is in the public domain and free to use. Molehill Mountain logo by Scott Hepting.<br> Chat Transcript:<br> <br> 6:59 PMotritzu​Evening, Andrew.<br> <br> 7:01 PMYumesuki Gaming​yo<br> <br> 7:02 PMScrungle Humingsworth​weekly Andrew keeps the insanity away<br> <br> 7:02 PMYumesuki Gaming​darn that sucks<br> <br> 7:03 PMNicholas Dickey​wow<br> <br> 7:03 PMScrungle Humingsworth​&gt;work hard in a video for a video game<br> <br> 7:03 PMScrungle Humingsworth​&gt;company cucks you out of money because you didnt mute the game<br> <br> 7:03 PMScrungle Humingsworth​gr8<br> <br> 7:04 PMotritzu​It almost sounds like an automatic claim 'cause of Artist releasing music on the 'tube.<br> <br> 7:04 PMYumesuki Gaming​That could be<br> <br> 7:04 PMFuture Echo​Yeah unfortunately Let's Plays are in a very grey area<br> <br> 7:05 PMScrungle Humingsworth​youtube legit said the AI would do all the work since everyone is at home<br> <br> 7:05 PMScrungle Humingsworth​so alot of creators have been getting fucked over<br> <br> 7:05 PMotritzu​You could...mute that section of the video but that'd almost be too much work.<br> <br> 7:06 PMYumesuki Gaming​true<br> <br> 7:07 PMFuture Echo​2 tenths of a cent could buy you a house 100 years ago, is well worth it<br> <br> 7:08 PMotritzu​it more sounds like their system is just too sensitive.<br> <br> 7:08 PMScrungle Humingsworth​&gt;work from home<br> <br> 7:08 PMScrungle Humingsworth​&gt;youtube<br> <br> 7:08 PMScrungle Humingsworth​that implies they can be productive HAHAHAHAHA<br> <br> 7:09 PMEdward Varnell​hello all<br> <br> 7:09 PMFuture Echo​youtube is just not creator friendly<br> <br> 7:10 PMotritzu​Like I said, too much work.<br> <br> 7:10 PMEdward Varnell​that's a lot of work<br> <br> 7:12 PMFuture Echo​hello andrew, its vixen hope youre doing well and staying safe<br> <br> 7:12 PMEdward Varnell​if they haven't fix stadia, they ain't fix what you just talked about andrew<br> <br> 7:13 PMScrungle Humingsworth​andrew 100% orange juice, 200% mixed juice are free on steam until 30th<br> <br> 7:13 PMFuture Echo​omg i forgot stadia existed lol<br> <br> 7:13 PMYumesuki Gaming​same<br> <br> 7:13 PMYumesuki Gaming​what's stadia again?<br> <br> 7:14 PMotritzu​board type games, rather cute stuff.<br> <br> 7:14 PMEdward Varnell​I don't know if they fulfilled the back orders<br> <br> 7:14 PMScrungle Humingsworth​hey remember when stadia had a 5 second control delay<br> <br> 7:15 PMYumesuki Gaming​Great game to play<br> <br> 7:16 PMYumesuki Gaming​Isn't that 80s show?<br> <br> 7:16 PMEdward Varnell​I love Jem<br> <br> 7:16 PMNicholas Dickey​I am so excited about this Gem series, a fav show of mine when it was out at the time<br> <br> 7:16 PMYumesuki Gaming​oh okay<br> <br> 7:16 PMEdward Varnell​back in the day<br> <br> 7:16 PMEdward Varnell​Same here. Born in 80<br> <br> 7:17 PMYumesuki Gaming​I liked Sailor Moon back in the day<br> <br> 7:17 PMFuture Echo​when do you think the first video will be up?<br> <br> 7:18 PMYumesuki Gaming​yes<br> <br> 7:18 PMFuture Echo​love that title<br>