FOF #1646 – Whatever Happened to Those Celebrity Animals?

Feast of Fun : Gay Talk Show show

Summary: Before cats ruled the internet, Hollywood had always been in love with all the animals, the same way they love their celebrites. One of the very first films ever made was a horse galloping, straight to the glue factory!<br><br>Like their human counterparts, some of the animals in Hollywood have led pretty awesome lives, but other animal’s stories are filled with exploitation, imposters and depressing deaths.<br><br>Who was the Lindsay Lohan of the animal kingdom?<br><br>Today we take a look at celebrity animals. The stories behind Mister Ed the horse, Benji the dog, Keiko the Killer Whale from Free Willy and Moose, the Jack Russell Terrier from Frazier, the Taco Bell Chihuahua, Lassie, Cheetah the Chimp, and Trouble, one of the world’s richest dogs.<br><br>Plus,<br><br>➤ Madonna writes a Manifesto and forgives Elton John.<br><br>➤ You thought you have sex on your mind all the time? A fish with it’s genetalia on its head is discovered in Viet Nam.<br><br>➤ And it’s not over yet– rumors are circulating that someone is trying to sell video footage of Prince Harry having sex, hopefully with men, during his drunken night in Las Vegas.<br>____________________<br><br>FEAST OF FUN IS MADE POSSIBLE BECAUSE <br>OF FABULOUS PEOPLE LIKE YOU.<br>LISTEN TO THOUSANDS LEGENDARY SHOWS 
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